Current Events:
2nd Erlangen School on Atom Probe Tomography
4. - 8. March 2019
Institute I, Materials Science and Engineering -
GRK 1896 Springschool
18. - 20. March 2019
Pommelsbrunn -
Symposium "Correlative and in situ microscopy in materials research"
1. - 4. April 2019
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg -
5th CENEM Summer School for X-ray Scattering
29. July - 1. Aug. 2019
Institute for Crystallography and Structural Physics (ICSP)
Particles with sizes in the nm- and µm-range find application in diverse fields of research and industry such as catalysis, drug delivery, sensing or optoelectronics. The materials properties and hence application performance are affected by the particle size, shape, surface characteristics as well as by possible pore or defect structures. Tuning the parameters of the chosen synthesis technique can affect some or all of these properties and thus enables the tailoring of the particle function. As the particle design rises in complexity, a detailed analysis of their properties like crystallinity, chemistry or morphology using the broad spectrum of different TEM techniques gets even more important.
Selected Publications
C. Mehringer, C. Kloner, B. Butz, B. Winter, E. Spiecker and W. Peukert, Germanium-Silicon Alloy and Core-Shell Nanocrystals by Gas Phase Synthesis, Nanoscale (2015), DOI: 10.1039/C4NR06318J
- T. Akdas, M. Distaso, S. Kuhri, B. Winter, B. Birajdar, E. Spiecker, D. M. Guldi and W. Peukert, The Effects of Post-Processing on the Surface and the Optical Properties of Copper Indium Sulfide Quantum Dots, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science (2015), DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.01.014
- A. G. Machoke, A. M. Beltrán, A. Inayat, B. Winter, T. Weissenberger, N. Kruse, R. Güttel, E. Spiecker and W. Schwieger, Micro/Macroporous System: MFI-type zeolite crystals with embedded macropores, Advanced Materials 27 (2015) 1066-1070, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201404493
- J. Schornbaum, B. Winter, S. P. Schiessl, F. Gannott, G. Katsukis, E. Spiecker and J. Zaumseil Epitaxial Growth of PbSe Quantum Dots on MoS2 Nanosheets and their Near-Infrared Photoresponse, Advanced Functional Materials (2014), DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201400330
- J. Schornbaum, B. Winter, S. Schiessl, B. Butz, E. Spiecker and J. Zaumseil, Controlled In-Situ PbSe Quantum Dot Growth around Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes - a Non-Covalent PbSe-SWNT Hybrid Structure, Chemistry of Materials, 25 (13), 2663-2669 (2013), DOI: 10.1021/cm401202t